Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Wednesday Web Walk

I know I've been absent from posting for a week or so now, and my apologies to anyone who is on the edge of their seat waiting for new content :)

I want to share with you a couple of the blog posts I've been especially blessed and encouraged by this week.

Alicia's beautiful spirit and heart always shine right through the computer screen with each post on her blog, Alicia's Homemaking. Today she has shared her heart with the blogging world, talking about her passion for her home. I've been tossing around the "Why do I do this?" - "this" being homemaking - thought the past (long) while, and it is encouraging to read her words. You can find her post here.

Yesterday I stumbled across Courtney's blog, Women Living Well, and was blown away. In the month of October she is encouraging women to make their home a haven. Isn't that what we ALL want our homes to be? I know that's what I want! I'm looking forwards to reading more of Courtney's blog. You can find week 1 of her "Make Your Home A Haven" series here.

I hope that you find yourself encouraged after reading from these ladies!



  1. Thanks for sharing these links. It looks like some good stuff. However, I'm in survival mode, you know, the bleary-eyed state of exhaustion continually. One of these days, in about a year, I hope to be able to think beyond the next load of laundry, the next meal, and the next event to make food for. Right now, my #1 goal & challenge is to BE kind and giving to my family AT ALL TIMES. Sometimes I still have to fake it, (and sometimes I fail), but I think I'm getting better at it, thanks to God.

  2. Miriam, thanks so much for your sweet words! They are really encouraging to me.

  3. Before I started reading blogs I never even though about making my home a haven and a place to minister to people, now thats what I strive for in my home. I can't believe that I never thought about it before because it makes perfect sense! Thanks for the encouragement & reminder :)


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