Friday, October 22, 2010

Susannah and her Kitty

Susannah loves our cats :) They are mostly outdoor cats, but a few of them are allowed inside sometimes. If she hears a cat meowing, she is all ears and eyes, looking for where the kitty is. Most of them will come check her out if she's on the floor, but only Splotch will hang around her, letting her play with him. He likes attention, so they both benefit :) So far he hasn't shown any aggressiveness towards her, but I do stay close by and have an eye on them when they're playing together. I hope they keep having fun together :) It sure is fun to watch!

1 comment:

  1. I know I already commented on this on facebook but seriously... She just has the sweetest, most precious baby girl smile ever. And wow, is she big already! A few more blinks, and you'll be posting pictures of a long-haired cutiepie in summer dresses and braids! Sniff.


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