Saturday, September 18, 2010

Goodwill Success!

No, I'm not talking about "peace and goodwill" success, but shopping at the Goodwill store success!! I am so tickled about today's shopping excursion!

I have such a hard time enjoying shopping for clothes because nothing ever fits. And shopping at the used store only makes it harder because the sizes are all in a disarray and you can't say "I like this skirt, do you have it in the next size?"

But I am so desperate for some variety in my church-clothes wardrobe (1 jeans skirt, 1 shirt, and a more-on-the-formal-side dress) that I had to just go try anyway. There were a couple other things on my "look for" list, and I was somewhat successful in those areas, too.

I wish I could take a picture of the loot, but in light of our hard drive issues, I'm not taking any more pictures with our current camera card in the event we have to try and resurrect deleted ones from it. (And I haven't been by a store to get another card yet.) Feel free to use your imagination, though.

I tried on probably 15 or more skirts, a dress and a pair of capris.

I walked out with:
1 black skirt
1 white skirt
1 pair of capris (that NEVER happens that the first pair fits!)
1 Pilates DVD
2 (3lb) handweights
a small basket to hold Susannah's toys
an old board book about farm animals

All for $26 and change. I did use my donation card (similar to a punch card; once it's full you get x% of your purchase), so I saved there, too! Our Goodwill prices are higher than I typically want to pay for used clothes, but it still beats paying full price, and when I have success like I did today, I don't mind one bit!!

Now my next goal is to get tops that go with the skirts AND fit. Since I'm nursing Susannah, alot of my shirts fit me everywhere but THERE. It's frustrating. One of the sacrifices of breastfeeding, I guess.

I will say that the depressing part of the trip was trying on clothes in the dressing room, in front of a full length mirror. We don't have any full length mirrors here at home, so I almost never see "everything." *sigh* Perhaps that's why I impulsively dug through the DVD's looking to see if they had any good workout ones. I have no idea what Pilates is, I've never done Pilates, but it's 10 minute workouts and supposed to "strengthen and tone" and I'm in some SERIOUS need of some tonin'!! Everything's all saggy and baggy and flippy and floppy. Eww. Clothes are a good thing. They cover a multitude of stuff. Haha!

In my shopping I did have to refrain from buying a couple things for our addition. There were 2 lampshades that I really liked, and a bathroom light (that would go over a medicine cabinet area) that I thought would go nicely in our 1/2 bath. I didn't get them because first off, I have no idea where I would store them, and second off, I'd best wait until I know exactly where I'll USE them before I buy them :)


  1. You'll enjoy pilates. Especially if you can find one of those gigantic bouncing balls. They help with the movements. I love Goodwill too. Speaking of them, I need to visit on Monday to see what kind of winter things they have for the kids. Thanks for the reminder!

  2. I love pilates! I would love to send you my copy of Windsor Pilates if you find out you like it and want to continue doing it! Windsor is the celebrity pilates instructor and her workout is phenomenal! But, I can't do it anymore :o( My equilibrium is so off after a few pregnancies and I feel dizzy and want to throw up if I lay on the floor.

  3. i used to do pilates until my belly button blew out. they are very effective for toning the curves. i need to find somthing that works with my "blow out" issues.


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