Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Yay for Me Wednesday!

Horrors! Re-reading this for the umpteenth time, I've found some major typos! They are fixed now (I think...), and I blame it on the brain cells I lost during the pregnancy :) Seriously, I misspell and dial more things wrong now than I did before!

I love this Yay for Me Wednesday thing :) Last week I couldn't come up with any "yays"... I guess I was too Eeyore-ish. This week, though, I do have some yays! Small things, and things you might not care one snit about, but they are certainly YAY things for me :)

*Oh! Ok, this one is from last week, but after Wednesday. We got a new 20 cubic foot (upright) freezer!!! The reason we got it is rather un-yay (only had to throw out a little bit of stuff), but the "bonus yay!" is that it happened while my sister, who is an employee of Lowe's out in her boondocks town out west, was HERE, AT MY HOUSE!! and she went with Daniel and saved us 10% on our purchase with her employee discount! Double YAY!! (Yay-yay!)

*I spent about 1 hour in the checkbook Monday night. I thought it was surely forever since I'd updated it, turns out it hadn't even been a month yet. Not caught up yet, but that's not for here.

*I've drank 8 glasses of water each day this week!

*I've stayed on top of my To-Do list each day, too, and it feels GREAT!

*I'm getting myself to bed earlier, AND getting up earlier. Still not to the times I want to be at, but we're getting there. I think my days will be much more productive and easier overall when I can get more stuff done before Susannah gets up.

*I had a load of laundry ready to hang out at 9:15 this morning :)

*I (and Daniel) tackled a pile of laundry in our bedroom last night. It's nice to not have it there anymore :P

I can't think of anything else right at the moment, but I'm tickled about these things for sure :) I think I'm finally getting a new normal figured out here :)

Be sure to visit Courtney, who hosts this each week, and join in or cheer us on!


  1. Good for you!! I know what it's like to have weeks where it's hard to find the positive...but these are definitely yay for yous!

  2. Yay for you Miriam! :) ..those are some great ones. And, since you had a hard time feeling worthy of any "yays" last week, you can appreciate these ones all the more :)

  3. Congratulations on the freezer!

  4. This is a very uplifting post, especially reading it on monday early afternoon in the office (Almost the "2:30" time)


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