Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Yay for Me Wednesday!

Courtney over at Living Peacefully Less Stressed (my latest gem-of-a-blog find!) is hosting a "Yay for Me Wednesday!" carnival.

Thank you, Courtney, for reminding me to celebrate the "Yay!" things and not just dwell on the "but I didn'ts." I have so many "but I didn'ts" at the front of my head that I had to think a bit to come up with some "yay's!" but I did!!

~ I scored a reclining, strap-on high-chair for FREE! Susannah's not strong enough to sit up in a regular one yet, and I was not looking forwards to feeding her her solid food kneeling on the floor in front of her swing. Yay for me!!!

~ Speaking of Susannah and solid food... every time I feed her she is liking it better and better, and last night and today she's starting to open her mouth for the spoon. Yay for me! (for persevering) and Yay for Susannah!!

~ I folded the couch full of laundry. Yay for me!!

~ Last week I scored a Spiral Cut Brown Sugared Ham off the Manager's Special. Yuummmmm! Yay for me!!!

~ I've stayed on top of the dishes and counters every day this week. Yay for me!!!

~ I went to bed before midnight last night. Yay for me!!!

~ I've started making and taking time to play the piano again. I really enjoy it and I want Susannah to grow up hearing me play, like I remember my mom playing when I was little. Yay for me!!

~ I exercised Monday night. Yay for me!!

Go check out Courtney's post and cheer her on!!


  1. Good for you! I've been flat exhausted all day long. I don't feel like a "Yay" day, but I might need to institute that soon. Sounds like you are making good progress.

  2. Good for you! Sounds like a great blog carnival!


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