Monday, May 17, 2010

I'm Flying

By the seat of my pants with the menu. Nothing new... I've been doing that since Susannah was born. But I miss having a menu plan!!!

I think I need to dig out some of my cooking magazines, cookbooks with pictures (about the only kind I like), and try to get inspired. I feel very "blah" in the menu-planning world. Hopefully I can lay in a big supply of beef something-or-other this week. I loaded up on chicken last week (3 pkgs. of drumsticks - yum!) and have a little in the freezer, but no beef.

It might help if I actually sat down and really put a couple minutes of time into thinking about it and planning it out... I'm sure I could come up with a plan :) But I either feel like I have something more pressing I should do, or I don't want to do it :P (or I'm nursing Susannah)

"Plan Menu" is actually on my list for today. But I haven't gotten that far yet. If I keep going, I might just get that far. It would be nice :) I'd better get off here and go finish the other "more pressing" things. *cough* like sweeping and mopping the kitchen floor that hasn't been done in however many weeks *cough*


  1. Have you tried those Sticky Chicken Drumsticks? I did them in the crock pot and they didn't get "sticky" but they were really yummy.

  2. Miriam check out blog-crockpot365 for tons of crock pot cooking ideas.
    Teriyaki chicken kebabs with pineapple and peppers-marinade (make your own or maybe you scored some Lawry's at Kroger over the last couple of weeks) and skewer it up. Hint for make ahead meal double your skewer batch and freeze with the marinade to have more at a later date.

  3. Martin's has London Broil for $1.99/lb this week. You can combine that with the $1 off your meat purchase of $5 or more coupon that was mailed out. You may be able to get a big one that you can cut in half or two small ones. I freeze london broil in a marinade quite often, that way when it defrost in the refrigerator it also marinades itself. I am all about cook/prep double and freeze half. I also agree with Judi's recommendation about crock-pot meals. They are extra great when you have a new baby.


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