Wednesday, May 5, 2010

8 Weeks

Our little cutie turns 8 weeks old tomorrow!! I took these pictures on Monday. I had laundry to hang out and she went with me :) As you can see in the pictures, she loved being outside!! After I finished hanging out the wash we just laid there and looked around and at each other and she just wiggled and grinned the whole time! She's laying on the quilt that my friend, Elizabeth, made for her. It's beautiful and my favorite blanket for Susannah to lay on :)
She loves to lay on her back. She detests laying on her tummy, unless she's in her crib, then it's the other way around (yes, she sleeps on her tummy). She does not like spending "wake time" on her tummy. She'll probably be slow to roll over because of that :P I do make her spend some tummy time each day... she's gotta learn to like it sometime :)
She still enjoys bathtime, which I really thankful for! It wouldn't be as fun to give a crying baby a bath. She started sleeping through the night last week and is still consistently sleeping 6 hours each night. I'm hoping that in another week or two she starts to move towards 7+ hours! I want my full nights of sleep back :)
This week she hasn't had nearly as many "bad" feedings, so I'm hoping those are on the way out. The best that I've been able to figure out with talking to different people is that most likely once my milk lets down it comes out too fast for her liking. We started giving her bottles occasionally, and I like the convenience of a bottle. We've been able to go away a couple times and either feed her on the road, or feed her without having to go hide myself away somewhere. Those times I do take the pump along and then go pump, but pumping is SO much faster than feeding her. It takes her anywhere from 30-45 minutes to eat, still.

I have lots more to talk about on other topics, but I need to go switch some laundry around and keep moving with the housework.


After writing this post I realized that I need to study up on the tenses and usage for the word "lay." Sorry if I didn't get 'em right this time :)


  1. I love love love the quilt! Your friend was so sweet. Your baby girl is so adorable and it looks like she really loves the outdoors. So fun!

  2. This last picture is just the cutest! I think she must be about the happiest baby ever, from the pictures and the good ratings you give her. Way to go, Susannah!

  3. What a sweet smile, you can tell she's a very happy baby.

  4. Your little girl looks so precious! I have a new daughter born on March 25, 2010. She is my third child and they are all a joy!


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