Friday, April 30, 2010

The Exciting News!

So last night before I went to bed I had to write SOMETHING!! But it was too late to go into detail. This morning I'm remembering other exciting things (to me) that I want to share, so this is just a whole lotta excitement in one post! I hope you can stand it! Haha :P

The most exciting to me is that my oldest sister is pregnant!! Squeal!! It's so exciting because they thought they couldn't have any more (they have 1 boy who will be 4 1/2 when the new baby is born). So this year I've had a baby, my 2nd oldest sister is due with their 3rd (a girl :) ) in August, and now my oldest sister is due early November! That means at our New Year's Day get together there will be THREE new babies in the family!! Oh, I am just so excited! Susannah will have 2 cousins her same age to grow up with! Ugh, that also means that probably NEXT New Year's Day we'll all be busy keeping 3 little crawlers/walkers out of stuff! Haha! I don't think they know what the new baby is yet, but I think it would be really fun if there all three were girls :) Plus they already have a boy so they need a girl ;) So yeah... that's pretty exciting!!!!

This should probably really be my number one exciting thing, but since I've been expecting it it's not quite as exciting - but VERY exciting still! Last night was the 3rd night in a row that Susannah has slept through the night! I think it's fairly safe to say that she's officially sleeping through the nights now, at 7 weeks. This means she's sleeping from about 12:30am to anywhere from 6:30 - 7:30am. 6:30am is not the time I want her to wake up every morning, I'm aiming for 7:30 or 8:00, but I will take 6:30 over the middle of the night any time :)

Let's see... what else. Wednesday afternoon I asked my MIL if she could keep Susannah during her afternoon nap, and I went to Goodwill. Since I'm nursing Susannah, I desperately needed some new shirts that fit better. I was able to get 6, some to wear around the house and a couple that are nice enough to wear to church. I will need to go again since my motto is to have enough clothes to only need to do laundry once a week, but it's a good start. Better than wearing maternity shirts :)

While I was out Wednesday, I also went to Target to use some gift cards on a diaper deal. I had coupons to sweeten the deal and I was able to get 6 packs of diapers (3 Huggies, 3 Pampers) for about $3.50 a pack. And with each 3 bought, you receive a $5 Gift Card. So I spent about $21(after I used the gift cards) and got $10 back. Target runs "gift card" sales on diapers every so often so I hope to keep rolling the Gift Cards. I needed to get some other stuff and while I was walking the baby aisles I saw a rack of clearanced Gerber Baby Food (the small jars). They were marked down to $.27 a jar and don't expire until 2012. There were probably 2 dozen jars. I meant to go look at the regular price to determine if it was a good deal (having never bought baby food before), but I totally forgot when I was getting my other things. That night on the way home from church I remembered, and asked Daniel if he could stop in and get what was left (he was driving separate), which was 10 jars. I plan to "make" my own baby food for the most part, but I know "store bought" will be very handy for things like travelling and such.

And probably the "least" exciting of all, but still exciting, is that yesterday I finally bought some Caffeine Free Diet Coke!!! Ahhhhhhh.... :) I have never made it a habit to keep Diet Coke in the house, because if it's here, believe me, I will drink it. Daniel prefers Pepsi, and I prefer Coke, so having his Pepsi stash here doesn't bother me - I don't drink it because I don't really want it. I drank very little Coke while I was pregnant (on purpose), and was really looking forwards to having Coke again after I had Susannah. In fact, I requested it a couple times in the hospital :) Anyway, lately I have been craving Diet Coke! I finally decided I was going to use some of my "own" money (we each get a little spending money each week - and I mean a little!) and buy some as a treat. Lo and behold, Kroger is running a sale on Coke this week - buy 3 (12oz/12can packs) for $9 and get 2 boxes of Ritz crackers free! Daniel does like Cherry Coke (and I do NOT!) so he asked if I could get him some. I got him a case of Cherry, and I got myself 2 cases of Caffeine Free Diet :) Guess what I drank on the way home from the store?? :D

And that's about all the excitement that's going on around here :) We're probably going to a party this evening so I need to throw the pork roast in the crockpot (for BBQ), and if Susannah is up yet for her next meal I'm going to jump in bed for a couple winks.


  1. So happy for you! What an all around good day huh!? Finding something that I'm looking for at Goodwill or rummage sales makes me happy!

  2. Congratulations on the sleeping through the night! Isn't it great! My daughter slept through the night from about 3 weeks old until she was 9 weeks old (when I returned to work). Now she is up at least once per night if not twice. Hopefully it continues for you!!!

  3. Now, it would have been even more exciting if you had announced YOU were pregnant again! O.k., I know, I'm as excited as you over Gail & James' new baby. Arghhh! Yet another REALLY GOOD reason for you to move closer, so these three cousins can play together, hang out together, and so on more often!

  4. You weren't kidding, you did have lots of exciting news!! So glad that Susannah is such a good little sleeper, she is going to need all that rest so she can store up some energy to play with all her new cousins!

  5. This is very exciting news! Especially the sleeping thru the night and she's only 7 daughter didn't sleep thru until she was 6 months was a long 6 months :) So glad to hear the shopping trip went good!


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