Wednesday, March 17, 2010

7 Days Old (and more pictures :) )

Here we are, already 1 week old!! We're all doing great :) Here's some more pictures from hospital - day 7. Yesterday I mentioned that I wished I could do like God did, and rest on day 7 :P I know it seems like it's going to be "forever" till I can sleep again, but at the same time this one week has flown past so fast it probably won't seem that long when the time finally comes!!

She's so pretty!!!! I think this is my favorite picture from our hospital stay.
Yesterday I was regretting not getting her "newborn" pictures done at the hospital,
but quite frankly the morning I would have needed to call the photographer
I had every Dr. and nurse stopping by to do some thing or another and the
time got away from me, plus I was so tired I didn't have the mental
gumph to do anything extra.
I found this picture last night and think it will work perfectly without
spending any money!!
Enjoying my pretty girl :) And wearing the shirt I made at MOPS
to wear at the hospital.

Getting ready to go home. Yay!
The nurse gave us an A+ for getting her in the carseat correctly.
We didn't think it was rocket science, but then again I grew up
with lots of babies in carseats!!!

Susannah's teeny foot in Auntie Juls' hand.
Susannah's cousin, Bobby, came to visit with Auntie Juls and Uncle Linden.
He totally loved looking her over and enjoying her :)
Uncle Linden, Auntie Juls & Bobby.
Bobby was spending the weekend with them while my sister
and her husband were working at the Maple Festival.

Monday, March 15 - ready to go to weight check #1.
She weighed in at 6lbs. 13oz.
Finally happy again after her very first bath :)
She is SO CUTE!!!!!!!
Daniel enjoying his daughter. I love watching them together.
All 3 of us had baths that evening :)
7 days old already!!
Headed to weight-check #2 - March 17.
Weighed in at 7lbs. 4oz. Yay!! The Dr. was very happy with her and
we don't have to go back until her 2 week checkup.
Her jaundice is almost completely gone, too.


  1. She is beautiful!! I know the no-sleep thing is tough - hang in there. Nap when she naps. House cleaning and other chores can wait. If you're not rested, then you can't take care of either of you.

    Thanks so much for sharing pics of your beautiful girl!

  2. She is just precious and perfect in every way! You all must be thrilled. Thanks for sharing!


  3. Se is just precious! I miss that newborn-ness!

    You will get used to the lack of sleep. It varies. There will be times of good sleep & times of not so good sleep. (Still 22 months later!) Just take the time to enjoy her - she will grow so quickly!

  4. She's beautiful! Heather gave you the best advice, sleep when the baby does. You'll be glad you did.

  5. She's beautiful! Wasn't leaving the hospital a great feeling? I know what you mean about the sleep...agh. But it will get better! Thankfully newborns sleep a lot. :-) My biggest problem adjusting to motherhood was realizing that the house and chores could wait!

    Is Daniel taking time off?

  6. Oh my goodness she is the cutest little baby girl! Lack of sleep is very hard, heed the advice of Heather and April...sleep when she does. It's very important so your body can heal and your hormones will be flaring. You might feel like you can clean the house top to bottom, but don't. Just enjoy your little precious rosebud! If you can't sleep, just lay on the couch. Thanks for sharing her pictures :)

  7. Cute pictures! She's going to grow up so fast and having pictures to show how she will change are awesome to look back at.


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