Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Weekly Grocery Trip 1/12/10

Whew, this cash only business is taking some getting used to. I went to Food Lion before I went to the bank. Grr. I had 1/2 of the total in cash (leftover from last week) and put the other 1/2 on my debit card. I had every intention of not spending that $2 but somehow my math got goofed up at Kroger. Oh well. I will make up for it next week.

From Food Lion and Kroger:(3) Tony's Pizza's - FREE
(2) 1/2 gal. Orange Juice - $1.25 ea.
1/2 gal. milk - $1.50
Boneless Skinless Chic. Breasts - $2.97 (1.88/lb.)
1.37lbs. 85/15 Ground Beef - $3.49 (Manager's Special)
8oz. Swiss Cheese - $2.29
(3) BirdsEye Steamers - $.33 ea.
(2) Kroger Mushrooms - $.79 ea.
pint Sour Cream - $1.00
2-ish lb. London Broil - $4.02 (1.98/lb.)
2lb. Rice - $1.39
Apples - $2.29 ($1.00/lb.)
1/2 cup slivered almonds - $1.79
Tortillas - $1.39
Bananas - $.91 ($.49/lb.)
Celery - $1.59
Oranges - $1.50
18ct. Eggs - $2.37

Shelf Price - $56.90
Total OOP - $34.26
Saved - $22.64 / 40%

Since I had $2 and some change left from last week, I went over by not quite $2 this week.

One thing that threw my total off was that I thought I'd loaded a coupon onto my Kroger card for the frozen veggies. I couldn't figure out why it didn't come off, then I realized that the coupon I'd loaded was Green Giant brand. Yeah, a Green Giant coupon won't work so well for a BirdsEye product :P

Hopefully next week I'll remember to go to the bank first :P I'm determined to get the hang of this cash only system. Maybe I'll start leaving my debit card at home. Any of you that use the cash only system, do you have tips or advice for a newbie?


  1. Ummm...well, I hope your new-mom-with-sleepless-nights can still do the mental calculations for your grocery shopping. You may need to get Daniel to help after George arrives. I say a $2 goof up is very acceptable at this stage in the game. Perfection is so satisfying, but isn't always attainable. I think you did great! Let me know how those free pizzas turn out.

  2. Sally - I actually had a calculator with me. I was marking down the prices of things as I put them in the basket, then added them all up before checking out. I probably missed writing something down, or skipped over one of the numbers when I was adding.

  3. How long does it take you with writing down the cost of EVERY item? I've never had the patience for this hence the cash only system is slightly flawed for me. I think that I'm really going to to push myself to make it work though, I'm tired of the overspent grocery budget even if I am getting super deals.

  4. Judi - it really doesn't take but a second. Esp. when your budget is small like mine, you're not going to get a whole cart full of different stuff ;) And if it's multiples of the item, I write down "3x$1 = $3" or whatever. I just mark the price beside the item as I cross it off my list. It also helps me in case I have to decide something to put back. I also prioritize my list before I go shopping so I know what I REALLY need or am out of, versus what's "nice to have."

  5. Sometimes out of necessity, we use cash only for groceries, and it's hard! But you are doing very very good. I need you to give me personal lessons on how to coupon and save like you do. :) Have a great day!

  6. WOW! You did so great especially getting all the meat and produce!!!

  7. Miriam - you do a great job with this grocery thing! I am just hesitant to do the grocery game thing. I don't know why.

    One question for you conerning coupons. I print off coupons at coupon.com and I can also load coupons on my card through shortcuts.com. Can I use both the printed coupon and the one loaded on my card for the same item? We have a grocery store that accepts is like a Dillons (but its called Gerbes).

    I'm still trying to figure all this out.

    Thanks for all of your tips.


  8. Jeanna - Your coupon question has a really "gray area" answer. I have contacted the websites that offer the e-coupons and asked them about "stacking" e-coupons with paper coupons. Their answer was that yes, you CAN do that. It's not really their intention but so far they have no way to keep you from doing it. For me personally, sometimes I do, sometimes I don't.

    You really should give The Grocery Game a try! The trial period is FREE now, too :) If you decide to sign up, let me know, I'll give you my junk email addy so I get the referal, which eventually equals free weeks for me :P

    Let me know if I can help you with any other questions! You can comment or drop me an email through my "contact me" button.


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