Friday, December 4, 2009

Grocery Roundup 12/3

Whew, it's been a busy week! Just doing the same-old, same-old every day! Wednesday I went with my MIL and we ran some errands and got a few groceries that were specifically good deals on Wed. only, but my main run was yesterday, Thursday, when Kroger had select Kashi cereal for 50% off. I used my VocalPoint coupons and got several boxes for almost free! If you haven't signed up for VocalPoint coupons yet, you are missin' out! Every so many weeks they send you a packet with mulitple high-value coupons for a certain product. The expiration date is usually long, so you have a really good chance at getting some great products for a low price.
Kroger, Ukrops, WalMart:
6 Gatorade - $1.00 ea.
7 Kashi Cereal - $.13 ea.
3 Chex Cereal - $.50 ea.
Milk - $2.99
4 (8oz) Kraft Cheese - $1.16 ea.
All Purpose Flour - $1.66
10oz. Pecan Halves - $2.99
Cooking Spray - $1.49
Pint Heavy Cream - $1.62
Parkay Margarine - FREE ($.50 MoneyMaker)
4 Oscar Mayer Ham - $1.99 ea. (Markdown)
18ct. Eggs - $2.49

Total Shelf Price - $95.64
Total OOP - $36.94
Saved - $58.70 / 61%

On a different note, I did spend a whoppin' $48.88 on Wednesday at Costco. We were down to 1 1/2 lbs. of hamburger, I needed cheese for a MOPS activity (we're making a bunch of freezer meals for the expectant moms), we needed more OJ concentrate and more RinseAid for the dishwasher.

The hamburger was $2.49/lb for less than 12% fat lean ground beef, and the 2lb. blocks of cheese are cheaper than it ever goes on sale - unless, of course, I have coupons that make it super-duper cheap. Their orange juice is also cheaper than any store brand (unless there's a sale!) and it taste pretty good. I had a coupon for JetDry rinse aid, but at the reg. store it was a MASSIVE $4+ for a teeny tiny bottle!!! I paid $11 for a huge bottle of the stuff that will last us a very long time. So yes, it was a lot of money to shell out at once, but it was all very low priced things when it came down to it. I could not afford to shop there weekly, and not everything is cheaper there, but the rare trips I make are very worth it.


  1. Do you even like Kashi cereal, or do you use it for Rascal? The one time I tried it, I may as well have been eating dusty curtain rods. It was completely tasteless and like eating dry nothing. Hopefully there is some good use for it, perhaps as insulation in your new addition? (Except, maybe rodents would be attracted to it, but then, maybe not.)

  2. Sally, in all honesty I've never had Kashi cereal, so I don't know if we like it or not. I just know that a lot of people like it and it's a high-$$ cereal (which really doesn't mean anything when it comes to taste, I guess). If we don't like it hopefully we'll be able to find a use for it, or give it away to somebody that LOVES it but never buys it.

  3. I like Kashi cereal. I sometimes mix it with shredded coconut, nuts, and dried fruit for a trail mix. I also have made a Rice Krispie type treat with them. (Melt the marshmallows and add Kashi instead of Rice Krispies.) If you still don't like it donate it to church or a foodbank. :)


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