Monday, November 23, 2009

Simple Woman's Daybook 11-23-09

For today, Monday November 23, 2009

I am thinking... that it's been a long time since I've done one of these! That it's pitiful - it's almost 10am and I've had breakfast and paid one bill. I need to get crackin' on the rest of The List!! That the rain is nice, but I think it should snow for Thanksgiving :)

I am thankful for... a good chiropractor to go to! The extra time Daniel and I had together this morning since his first call wasn't until 9:00 (thus some of the reason I'm getting a lateR start). The opportunity to visit friends on Saturday that we hadn't seen since our wedding over 5 years ago - it was a special visit!

From my kitchen... it will look better after I spend a little time cleaning up the dishes and whatnot that collects over the weekend.

I am going... to the chiropractor later on today (I need to call and make sure they have regular hours today since it is Thanksgiving week), and I also need to desperately make a trip to the Motherhood store to exchange the clothes I got online last month before the time allowance for exchanging clothes in-store is up!!

I am reading... working my way through Angela Thomas' "Living Your Life As A Beautiful Offering", a Bible Study on the Sermon on the Mount that I'm in at our church.

I am hoping... to get everything done on my list today! That would be awesome :)

I am creating... I MUST make bread today. I made biscuits this morning for Daniel's breakfast sandwiches because we're completely out of bread. I also need to start figuring out what Christmas gifts I need to start shopping for.

I am hearing... the rain. I am very thankful for the rain, but a little sad that I'll have to use the dryer again. But I'd rather have the much needed rain and have to run the dryer than have the earth parched from no rain!! I'm glad I figured out what the strange noise coming from the refrigerator was and now I don't have to listen to it anymore. (The ice maker does not work, and something had bumped the switch and turned it on - thus the strange noise.)

Around the house... don't look. LOL. I need to whip it back into shape.

A few plans for the rest of the week... Cooking, cleaning, baking, laundry, dishes, etc. etc. etc. Thanksgiving Day we think we are just going to stay put and work on projects. Daniel is on call this week so we can't go out of town, and we think we'd like to spend the day just working together and getting some things done around the house. Especially since our weekends lately have involved being gone on Saturdays, this day off will be nice.

A picture thought... one of the back roads we drove on our mini-vacation in October. It was a "green road sign road", honest! It started out paved, then got narrower, then turned to gravel. It was basically a pig path following and often crossing a stream-bed! We LOVED it! There were little farmettes and old country houses along through there. It was like driving in a dream :) We did agree that if we would ever live on such a road, we would have a good reason to buy my much-longed-for Suburban (with 4-wheel drive), and Daniel could justify his much-longed-for tractor :)


  1. Love the new blog look! It's much cheerier, and feels nice and wintry.

  2. Thank you, Cate :) I want to figure out a new picture for my header, maybe that's something I'll work on over the next couple weeks.

  3. Great post, and a great picture! You don't know how badly me and my house needs an extra set of hands or two. Boy, and I could use some extra energy. Sounds like your house is in the same shape. I hope you get some bread made.


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