Monday, October 5, 2009

Monday Musings :)

Ahh, this day is proving to be an exciting one :)

I went to MOPS this morning and our guest speaker was a wonderful lady from our church (Daniel and I know her family) who is a part-time CEF (Child Evangelism Fellowship) missionary. She and her husband have 9 kids and she loves kids. She shared how we, as moms, can present the Gospel to our children, even if they are just a year or two old... to start sewing the seeds early. Hearing her talk about being a mom inspired me and got me thinking.

Last night I could not get comfortable and go to sleep well. I think part of it was the crazy array of foods I had to eat this weekend... Saturday I made the Simple Sesame Noodles with Shrimp for supper. They were good, but pretty oily (will cut that back next time). Yesterday it was a Reuben Sandwich with Ice Cream for dessert for lunch (we were invited out to eat after church). It was thee best Reuben Sandwich I think I've ever had. It was sooooo good. And the ice cream was "free, all you can eat". I only had 1/2 of my sandwich and the other half came home for leftovers sometime this week :) After church, and after we finished our Sunday night rituals (emptying bathroom trashcans and locking up) I was famished as usual. We went by Taco Bell and I had a Nachos Belle Grande. When we got home I still wanted a little something to nibble on so I had some Apple Crisp that I made Saturday. Soon after finishing that my stomach started to feel like I'd eaten a brick or a river-jack or something. Uggh. Anyways, all that to say, I didn't sleep well for most of the night. I got up around 4:30 and got a drink of water, after that I did sleep really good... until the alarm clock went of at 6:15. Grr. As soon as Daniel left I jumped back in bed hoping that there was still some "good sleep" left in the pillows. There was, and I woke up 10 minutes before I needed to leave for MOPS!

So far this afternoon I haven't gotten diddly-squat done other than starting a load of laundry. I need to make bread since Daniel had the last of it this morning, and I haven't begun to think about what we'll eat for supper. Maybe fruit and vegetables would be in order after the weekend diet :P I'm so tempted to take a nap this afternoon, I have a dull headache and just want some sleep, but I know if I do a) not as much will get done, b) I don't know if I'll sleep good or not and c) I want to sleep really good tonight! LOL!!

Oh the joys! I love being a housewife, I really do. I'm so glad I don't have to rush around and go work in some office or something. I'm glad I can stay home and bless my household and family through being happy and willing to fill the Chief Cook, Bottlewasher, Laundress, Cleaner, Accountant, Grocery-Shopper, So-on-and-so-forth role. Though my spirit is always willing, sometimes my body and mind aren't :/ I think today is one where my body is dragging. Maybe I will go ahead and see if a quick power nap won't recharge my batteries. Hopefully after that I will be able to blast full speed ahead instead of grinding along :)

1 comment:

  1. So, how's the stomach and napping going by now? I haven't had a nap, but fortunately I haven't had a stomach troubles today either. I hope things go well for you this week.

    Hey, can we have some of that apple crisp up this way?


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